Monday, July 28, 2008

Lots of Assays

I spent most of this week doing assays for one of my coworkers, who took a vacation week. It was more independent than previously, he simply gave me a list of things to get done on my own timeframe. I got all of the samples taken care of, and I noticed that I'm getting better at performing the assays: my results are becoming more accurate.

My cells are doing well, they are growing quickly, so quickly in fact that my supervisor took a look at the data and said that it was abnormal. After correcting a few calculation mistakes and having him check my counting, we realized that they are growing quickly, but not too much faster than normal. We will watch the cells over the next week and construct a full growth curve to see if the cells did grow in an abnormal pattern or not.

A good week overall, more independent and on my schedule than the previous weeks. I spent the weekend in Maine, which was a nice relaxing break from the work life. Now to go check on my cells...

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